CStress Free Ling Through God
With God all things are possible
I honor you today, Lord.
Thank you for all you are doing and are going to do.
I know with you that anything is possible. I am nothing without you.
I want to be more like you, Lord.
Ephesians 5:1
1.Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
- And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
For me to know who you are I must understand that you are love.
No love can be compared to you.
Your love is genuine, and it never stops. It just keeps on giving and giving.
According to the words of Jesus, we can do nothing without Jesus.
If we understand that God and his son Jesus are our lifelines.
How do we know if we are walking in the light of the word of God?
John 15:5-Thoughts
Most Christians know they must abide in the Lord more but don’t feel they have the time.
When you think of the things that we do every day that, in all reality, have no value, how much more time would we have on a given day?
- Social Media
- TV Shows
- News
What we fill our minds with is going to come out of us.
We would make the time if we saw ourselves as worthless and as detached branches without Jesus.
The more demands we have on us, the more we need to abide in the Lord.
I believe that our lives would be more stress-free if we thought of God’s word and if we were able to reach more people because of our example.
Stress: pressure, strain, anxiety, tension, trauma, hassle, worry.
What is stress? Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.
Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives.
If we would do an inventory, how many of us would fall into this category?
Some common causes of stress include major life events, family illness, problems at work or school, financial issues, and relationship worries.
As children of God, we should not be concerned about any of these things because we are God’s children.