What does it mean to put God first?
There were many schools of thought on this and if you want to say opinions.
I can honestly say that we all have experiences and we’ve all had walked down different paths in life. We’ve experienced various problems and situations.
Matthew 6 – 33: says but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
The things that he is referring to in verse 33 refers to the things that we need to live our life. Things in sense of clothes and we are going to live and what we are going to eat.
How many times do we get up in the morning and wake up in the first thing that we do is check our email, social media accounts, and the texts that we have received first thing before we even get out of bed?
God wants us to recognize that he is our source. I understand that God will work through people sometimes. However, he is our source.
What do you need from God today?
Ask yourself, are you putting him first. I need to do the same thing in my life and ask him; God are you number one.
If I was to receive a text from God, what would it say?
Sometimes we need to do an inventory of our life.