Good morning God.
I bless this day.
I bless each person I will come into contact with today.
God, you are amazing.
God, you are the one who understands me more than anything.
You know my heart and my intentions.
People are not capable of giving what they don’t have.
Sometimes people don’t know how they are coming across.
God can and will meet us where we are.
God wants us to walk in the truth of his word, and he wants his kids to live a life that is abundant.
Matthew 7-7-8
- Ask and it shall be given you, Seek and ye shall find, knock, and the door shall be opened.
- For everyone that asketh receiveth: and he that seeketh findeth: and to him that knocketh the door shall be openeth.
If you look at verse 8, the verse says everyone. That means you, and it means me.
I believe that puts everything in perspective.
How many things in life are we asking God for?
We have to seek God more than the thing that we want God to do for us.
God is truth and wants to be out first in everything we would ever want or desire.
God has so much that he wants to do for us.
Just as a child in the natural, God will make a way where there seems to be no way.
Matthew 21:22
22.. And all things, whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing ye shall receive.